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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chapter 6 : Consumer Decision Making

In order to make profits in your company, you have to think the way consumers do, put yourself in their shoes, think of how they act and the way they think. Consumers are always making decisions into either buying a new product or not, this is known as consumer decision-making process. 
     The following step would be Need Recognition. Need Recognition also known as problem identification is when the consumer discovers and unmet need that must be fulfilled. what causes this need is the popularity that our apple products cast upon people, mostly our handheld devices that you see almost everybody with everywhere around the city. the design that the product brings, the texture, and the features that come included with the product.

Due to the fact that I'm a consumer for apple just like every other loyal apple customer, before we buy an apple product we do research, we check how much prices will be, what new features it will come with. the research we consumers do is both external and internal. we always research the new products that come out and the differences of the new product with the past products. Mostly all of apples consumers/customers are loyal, they would not switch to another phone brand, as soon as a new handheld device is released they either upgrade to it or purchase it. as the photo seen above, its photo of a handheld device released in the apple store in 5th avenue, do you see how big and crowded the line is ? these are all loyal customers to apple who camp out for days before the release of the new product in order to obtain it first than most people. this is what you may call Need Recognition.
we the consumers reach a decision after we have done so much research, read so many reviews and have tested the product out and have even compared it to other products, thats how serious we do our research and come to a decision. Mostly everyone around us own iProducts making us want to get one as well, that is if you not an apple customer. 
The photo shown above was then apple had released the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6Plus. the line in 5th ave was humongous it was just enormous, i herd it went around the block and further down. these are all consumers who want to get the latest model of iPhone. After buying a product the customers are satisfied and happy for what they have, making the market good money wise and the customer satisfied with a new advanced product, some, everyone ends up happy.

Some are just so excited they can't wait to open it, that rings might even go wrong haha. take it easy and wait to you get home buddy.

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