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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Chapter 11 : Developing And Managing Products

Apples secret to success is there development of new products. they keep innovating. apple is a company that does not stop, they keep making new products, the new products they develop have more features and higher capacity with advanced tech compared to their old products. this is what makes apple successful, their product line ups, such as their iPods, iPads, iPhones, iMac, and MacBooks. each year apple comes with a new product upgrade featuring new applications and softwares. since iPods were introduced apple has made billions of money, they have had about 10 or more different iPods.
One amazing upgrade they did on their iPods and iPads back in the years was the HD camera. once the camera was added to both the iPod and iPad. making it some of the most must want handheld products.the way apple manages their products is great, once a product is out, they are already working on another product, to bring to us the consumers/customers. apple has made it so far and will continue making a good job with their products. 

Chapter 12 : Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing

The American Red Cross is a non-profit organization, its also known as the 
American National Red Cross. Its a humanitarian organization that provides
emergency assistance on natural disasters and education as well inside the united states.
The American Cross provides help to soldiers and there family, as well as the community. there is also other red crosses around the world helping people recover from disasters and emergencies.
the red cross was formed may 21, 1881. its headqurters is located in Washington D.C. 
If you would like to donate and help the red cross, click on the link to donate. give a gift this christmas to someone in need.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Chapter 10 :Product Concepts

When it comes to strategy, retailing and advertising apple is in category of its own. Apple is a product that everybody wants and will have depending on their desire for the upscale stylish product. Apple designs its products to be simple and easy to use, and unlocking lots of doors to totally new features, edit videos through Apple products such as the iPhone, iMac, iPod, iPad and MacBook, do presentations, papers and much more. 

A apple product can be called a Shopping Product since it is an expensive product, also because of the features it brings, the classy design and the quality.  A shopping product is a product on which the cutover spends a considerable amount of time before buying it. during this time the customer compares the product to others and the differences as well. Apple products are not found in many stores as well, only in selected stores.

Apple has been market as a specialty product in the market. Apple has an exclusive image, Apple is like the new trend in peers and adults, its the new exclusive brand that everybody should have, mostly for their iPhones. Apple is simply just Apple, nothing can be compared to apple, well thats to us apple customers. Apple products feel attainable as well, us “ average “ people can afford it as well, it might be pricy but everyone wants to own a stylish upscale product like apple, lots of companies envy apple because of this and start competition with them, as you can see in commercials on tv. what brought apple to its rise was their iPhone but mostly their iPod that everyone had and replaced their Mp3 or Mp4 with. Apple will always be apple, with their advanced technology apple will rise higher and satisfy everybody.

( The new iPhone 6 )

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chapter 17 : Personal Selling and Sales Management

This year apple had a sales promotion. Apple had the " Back to School " Promo. If you were a student or teacher and purchased a Macbook, you would get a $100 dollar gift card, if you purchased and iPod or iPhone you would get a $50 dollar gift card. This sales Promotion runs from july 1 through out september 9th. according to other students i heard that last year they gave you and iPod with a purchase of a Macbook. Apple makes a profit out of this, you pay a high profit of one thousand to two thousand just to get $100 dollar gift card. these are strategies used by the company, but getting $100 gift card does seem good for the consumer, you  can buy a apple accessory that you might need or been wanting which is great. While being in the apple store, Apple specialist do not use aggressive sales, they have a unique type of sales, they do not push you to buy more than what you need, they are there to actually help you with what you need, they give you all the details of the products and what its good for, for example when i went to buy a Macbook for school they gave me a variety of options, but told me which one would be great for school and the features it had, i was very satisfied, i was not pressured to buy it nor to buy any accessories, they were just great and helpful and thats why i would remain a loyal customer to apple. 


Monday, November 10, 2014

Chapter 16 : Advertising and Public Relations

Apple advertises In many ways, television, newspapers, and while you surfing the web!. Apple had been advertising since the 1970s based on some articles. Apple has maintained the style of contemporary art. During the 80s apple displayed a wide variety of ads which served convince consumers that's they should purchase a computer, an apple computer though. These ads were text heavy and light on the image just like all ads during the era. Apple ads really came into their heyday during the 1990s with their " think different " campaign, that's became really popular and features famous people. This campaign was running for a while, I believe remembering this ad when I was young, this ad still in our present time. After time the ads change and so did their products, they've really advanced with technology. Now you see apple ads mostly everywhere, bus stops, train stations and public areas. For example,the release of the iPhone 6 their were ads all over the Internet and public areas, newspapers and tv, advertising of how much better it was and how they had increased its size and the numerous features it has. Till the present day, Apple has had a whole variety of different ads displaying their products and their features.